Device Integration

Device Integration

Our Expertise

When it comes to IoT connectivity is usually a vital component & so we can offer experience in the following connectivity methods:

Which to choose?

Each has it's strengths a weakness but they can basically be broken down into range & bandwidth:

WiFi is typically implemented by either USB dongles or onboard (e.g. Raspberry Pi). 

Mobile (or cellular) requires modules that are widely available.  

LoRaWAN is now available as a single chip solution. It can be an ideal communication solution for IoT projects that require low power consumption. LoRaWAN can be a stand-alone solution or can be paired to a gateway & a network backbone to facilitate internet connectivity. The Things Network is a community based gateway service allowing to facilitate such connectivity. 

We established a RAK7243 gateway service in Feb 2020 & can attest to its scope & reliability. It's approaching a hundred thousand packets received & going strong!

The RAK7243 LORAWAN Gateway